I bought some ad space, so for the next month I will have a brief ad on the BittyMoose and Friends radio show!
If you've never listened, it such a fun hour! It's a crafty hour, and she talks about etsians, random things, she has giveaways, plays indie music and is more often than not joined by Bunnie from the BumbleBeeStudio. You remember that post rig from the ht? :P The show airs LIVE Thursdays (today!) at 6pm EST. Tune in!! Now onto the Bitty!

BittyMoose has quite the shop! Is there anything this girl CAN'T do? In addition to her show, she does websites and graphics, soy candles, bags and hangtags, cute little needlefelted items and MORE!

And back to the radio show! I bet you're wondering how I bought ad space! For $5 you can buy an ad list sponsorship to be mentioned twice on the show. OR for $20 you can get a Billboard sponsorship which will promote you throughout the show, and you can even call in for an interview! They are available on her etsy page and her webpage.
So go check her out! Now! And be sure to listen to the BittyMoose and Friends radio show tonight at 6pm EST!
Where to find Bitty: